August 9, 2014

Instagram vs. Reality

Hey everyone, so I’ve been seeing these posts everywhere lately so I decided it would be fun to do one. The original post came from here, but two of my favorite posts were from Style By Salli and Krista from Covering the Bases. Hopefully you’ll find this post funny, and enjoyable like I find these posts from other bloggers. Enjoy!

Beautiful Butterfly Casually Sitting on My Shoulder

What appears to be happening: A butterfly casually came up and landed on my shoulder, long enough for me to take a photo. In the background there’s lots of beautiful flowers making it appear that I’m somewhere in nature.
What’s actually happening: I added some pictures in to show you what was actually going on. My friends were trying to help me perfectly place the butterfly on my shoulder. Many of the butterfly’s were uncooperative, as you can see in the pictures they were flying away and attacking (may be a little dramatic) my face. Oh, and by the way, were not anywhere in nature were in a tent filled with butterfly’s at my local fair. I were given a Q-Tip to dip in nectar to get the butterfly’s to pose for the perfect picture.
Notice the crazy look on my face because the butterfly was flying directly into me.

I don’t even know what’s going on here, but I look so afraid.
The Perfect Ice Cream Shot
What appears to be happening: I went out for ice cream and snapped the perfect picture of me holding my ice cream perfectly so that you could see my arm party, and my (what I think) adorable outfit.
What’s actually happening:  Me, standing in public where there’s tons of people staring at me because I’m taking at least 10 pictures of me holding an ice cream cone. My mom behind the camera (her phone), as I look at the pictures and critique as the ice cream melts all over my hand. Oh, and it probably took me 5 minutes to perfectly tie my jean jacket around my waist.
Casually Watching Polo
What appears to be happening: My friends and I are at a polo match watching , and having lots of fun!
What’s actually happening: Yes, we were having lots of fun, but we were actually waiting for the players to ride out onto the field. We were standing in the rain, getting soaked to get the perfect picture.
Perfect Polish Picture
What appears to be happening: I had my 3 favorite Essie polishes sitting next to a mason jar full of some gorgeous pink hydrangeas.
What’s actually happening: Earlier that day I was helping my Aunt have a garage sale, during the day I was running all over her yard trying to find some hydrangeas. During this time my little cousin was “watering” all of the plants and just happened to spray me. So finally I found  some hidden within a bush and cut them. Once I got them home I put them in a mason jar and put them in my room. Later in the day I was going to paint my nails and decided to let my Instagram followers decide which color to use.
Shep Shirts With a View
What appears to be happening: My friend Carolyn and I stopped while admiring the beauty of Niagara Falls and snapped a picture.
What’s actually happening: We tried all day to get a perfect picture, we took at least 25 pictures before this. So as we were getting ready to leave we were browsing through the photos and decided we didn’t get the “one”, so we walked… more like ran down a few stairs to try to get a good picture. After we got a good picture we wanted to take a selfie. So we go to take our selfie and a stranger came up (looking like a professional photographer because of his really nice camera), took my camera and snapped a pic for us. Later we found that he spoke no English at all, but look at how perfect the picture he got was!
Hope you enjoyed this fun post! Thanks for reading.
xo, Abby

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