October 28, 2020

I'm 22!

 Hi everyone! Today is my 22nd birthday (wow that year flew by) and I thought it would be perfect to do a recap of my year and give you guys a life update since I haven’t in a while. 

Today has been such a great day! I started the day with a workout at my favorite gym, Rise in Hamburg, which was a great way to begin the day. After our workout, my friend Carolyn and I went to brunch with my mom which was delicious. I couldn’t think of anything specific I wanted this year, so my mom and I decided to go shopping to pick out a few things. We had so much fun and I found a couple adorable pieces. When we got home we decided to take a short hike with Scout at one of my favorite spots- the foliage was stunning! Tonight we’re having a few close friends over for some cake and wine and I couldn’t be more excited. 


Before COVID hit, I went on so many trips throughout the year! My 21st year started off with a trip to Nashville with my mom that I’ll never forget. We had the best time together celebrating our birthdays! After that I went to the Adirondacks to shoot with KJP- wow was it beautiful there. I visited NYC during Christmas time when I was younger and was thrilled to have the opportunity to go back this year! I stayed with my good friend Abby and we had so much fun. I hope to get back and visit her soon! During the holidays I was home with my family in Buffalo and took a few road trips in the area. For spring break my mom and I went to Flordia to visit my Aunt which was the best escape from the cold Buffalo winter. I just want to thank you all for your continued support because without all of you I wouldn’t have these opportunities. I can’t thank you enough!

In March school was moved online for what we thought was two weeks. I was about to leave to head home for the weekend when I heard the news, so I decided to pack up my desk along with a few things I would need for remote learning. Little did I know this would be my last time living at college. Thinking back on it now it was such a strange time and there were so many things I would’ve done if I knew that was my last time seeing some of my friends and as the typical ‘college student’. Obviously, we all know that COVID-19 became a much bigger issue, and many of us experienced similar things when it came to school. There are so many people being affected by COVID in much bigger ways and I continue to pray for those who need it the most right now. I graduated in May which was definitely not your typical experience, but I was so thankful to be healthy and safe surrounded by my friends and family. To all of my 2020 grads- CONGRATULATIONS! I wish you so much happiness and health in the years to come. 

After graduation, I decided to blog full-time and see how it would go. It has been so rewarding and I absolutely love it. Being at home, my mom and brother have been a huge help. They are always there to help me with photos or help me with a transition for a fun reel. I get so many messages asking me what my career plan is and every time I read them I think in my head “I wish I knew”. I really love blogging, but also would love to find something with a little more consistency and be able to do both simultaneously. I have a few ideas that I’m considering, and I promise I will tell you guys as soon as I know my next move. A lot of my close friends have been doing amazing things and I am so proud of them! A few have moved to places like Seattle, Portland, and Boston and I look forward to visiting them when it’s safer. I am so lucky to be surrounded by such smart and hardworking women that continue to inspire me every day.

Typically I spend the summer traveling, but I spent my summer by the lake with my family which could not have been better. Our cottage has always been a happy place for me and somewhere I’ve spent so many summer days since I’ve been young. Another thing that brought me back to my youth was our family greenhouse! You may have seen on my Instagram, but since I moved home I’ve been helping my family run our greenhouse. It was such an escape for me during quarantine and something I’ve become very passionate about. Being able to be surrounded by plants and warmth in the cold months of quarantine was such a blessing. Through all of this- I really have realized how much I love being home and how important family is to me. So many of you check in with me about my dad and how he is feeling and I really cannot thank you all enough. It is definitely tough to watch the strongest person I know fight through this but being home has meant so much to me. The time I’ve spent with my family the past few months have been invaluable (even with the occasional disagreement lol) and I know I will look back in my life and appreciate this time more than anything. 

September had its ups and downs for sure. I went through a breakup that came very out of the blue and has been tough on me. I’m so thankful to have friends and family that were there to pick me up when I was down. I’ve also been working out a lot which has been really good mental health-wise. I had never gone through a breakup like this before and quite honestly didn’t know how to handle it. I feel like I almost ignored it and my feelings when it first happened and then one day everything hit me like a ton of bricks. I took a girls trip soon after that which could not have been any better. I went with two of my friends who are like family to me and have always been there for me and I could not love them more. Even my friends that couldn’t be with me were always there for me and so kind. If any of you are reading this- you mean the world to me. Through this experience, I learned that it’s okay to be sad or angry- and most importantly it’s okay to express those emotions. Typically I am a very happy and energetic person so when I see myself a certain way I try to suppress it and ignore what I’m feeling. That definitely is not the right move in this situation and I felt so much better after a few good cries. Even though this situation has been tough on me- I’m excited to focus on myself and what’s to come. I truly believe that God always has a plan and everything happens for a reason.

I wanted to include this quote that I love. When we were finally able to open the greenhouse for in-person shopping I hung it on the door and it always motivated me. I loved that it used ‘growing’ instead of ‘going’ – very fitting for the greenhouse!

“When the growing gets tough, the tough get growing.”

I am to be 22 and see what this year has in store for me. Thank you all for being my virtual friends and cheers to the year ahead!

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